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It’s EASY:

  1. Register your account
    It’s free to try. Later, if you like what you get, you can upgrade to a premium account according to your needs.
  2. Log in and create a new application
    An application is the same as a web site or a web app; some sort of web stuff running on a server somewhere with a hostname. You can create as many applications as you want. For each application you get a custom subdomain, and you can even cname our servers to make use of cookies and so on. For each application you can also customize how the services behave.
  3. Read documentation, play with example code or Fork us on GitHub is the place where all documentation, code, boilerplates, sniplets, tips and tricks live on. The idea is that this will give you a flying start to the new way of doing web development. If something is missing, or could have been done differently, please let us know!
Log in and create a new application Read documentation, play with example code